Thank You To Our Sponsors!
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the generous corporate and individual sponsors who support our mission of bringing performing arts and arts educations to our incredible Upstate community. Your contributions help us continue to inspire, entertain, and educate through the power of live theater, and we truly couldn’t do it without your support!
Corporate Sponsorships & Supporters:
2024 Sponsors:
(Donors $20 & Above. Last Updated December 27, 2024)
2024 Platinum Sponsors ($15,000+)
New York State Council on the Arts
2024 Gold Sponsors ($5,000-$14,999)
Salem Community Foundation, Kay Tomasi, Anonymous Family Fund, Kyle & Jared West
2024 Silver Sponsors ($2,000-$4,999)
Upstate Hematology Oncology, Fort Miller Group, Staples, Rana Bitar and Joseph Jacob
2024 Bronze Sponsors ($500-$1,999)
Pennydot Realty/Penny Spiezio, Salem Farm Supply, The Shoppe Off Broadway, Jacko’s Corner, Elsassers Beim 111, Bob & Carolyn Akland, Thomas & Caitlain Clary, James & Linda Lintz, Valerie Neff, Bob and Liz Skinner, Christopher P Stewart
2024 Inner Circle Sponsors ($100-$499)
Glens Falls National Bank and Trust Company, Susi Works LLC, The Greenwich Journal & Salem Press, The Glens Falls Chronicle, The Phantom Laboratory, (anonymous), Jay & Heather Bellanca, Lila Brown, Katie Buck, John Clark, Bill Crochetiere (in memory of Bob Skinner), Diane Czechowicz (in memory of Bob Skinner), Kevin & Mary Dailey, Lyle Miller & Brian Dickerson, Stephanie & Paul Flagg (in memory of Bob Skinner), Ruth Flint Frew, C J Frankiewicz, Mary Jo & Donald Greco, The Graves Family, Alexis Hinger, Edward Kelly, Terri Kelley, Kathleen King (in memory of Bob Skinner), James Howard Kunstler, Carole Lewis, Christine Michael, Nancy Paterson (in memory of Bob Skinner), Rob & Majken Sellar, Tim & Jill Robinson, James & Elizabeth Rossi (in memory of Bob Skinner), Todd Teal, Susan Touhey, Susan Sommer & Stephen A. Warnke, Ann & Tim Whalen
2024 Friends of Fort Salem Sponsors ($25-$99)
(anonymous), Cathy Archer, Rachael Armstrong, Nancy Casner Babcock, Mary Lou Baker, Donald Boyd, Brian Clemente, Cassie Cloutier, Wyeth & Katharine Coburn, Zach Eastman, Ellen Fronhofer, Daniel Galliher, Michael & Karen Gallagher, Alanah G, Adrienne Guss, Kelli Guss, Logan Haynes, Christine Johnson, Julia Kapas, Kelvin Keraga, Melissa & Peter Lacijan, Amanda Lucas, MAX + Magie, Kevin Miner, Tim Nelson, Susan Okeefe, Francisca Oswalt, Gail Peck, Christine Preble, Patricia Raftery, Ray Short, Diane & Steve Skibinski, Dan Snyder, Susan Snyder, Rob Bauer & Peter Subers, Shelley & Bruce Tabakman (in memory of Bob Skinner), Sue Kenyon & Tim Troy, Carol West
2023 Sponsors:
2023 Platinum Sponsors ($15,000+)
New York State Council on the Arts
2023 Gold Sponsors ($5,000-$14,999)
Kyle & Jared West
2023 Silver Sponsors ($2,000-$4,999)
Anonymous Family Fund
2023 Bronze Sponsors ($500-$1,999)
Kyle & Jared West, Evelyn Estey, Debbie Warnock, Walter Scott, Aimee Skiff
2023 Inner Circle Sponsors ($100-$499)
(anonymous), Claudia Behmoiram, Glen Hayden, Janet Fronhofer, Sarah Parker, Elizabeth Skinner, Stewart Guss, Thomas Clary, Jaclyn Nolan, David Haman, Jeannette Guillemin, Kelly Dreher, Kyle Brosch, Lila Brown, Dan Snyder, Gerald McAullife, Terri Kelley, Kelli Guss, Ruth Frew, Mary Green, Todd Teal, Margo & Michael Hatzel,
2023 Friends of Fort Salem Sponsors ($25-$99)
(anonymous), Jason Collins, Carol West, Carolyn Akland, Philip Krzywicki, Tara Smith, Kelli Gus, Patricia Williams, Kathy Clarke, Patrick White, Katherine Danforth, Lorraine Thompson, Susan Zweighaft, Alex Ashby, Lionel Bulford, Alice Jonte, Dorothy Van Pelt, Amy Foster, Susan Lum-Creitz, Deborah Burns, Kathleen Payne, Kathy Duhon, James Bietzel, Margaret Merwin, Melissa Kennedy, Jeffrey Hocking, Naomi Ruth Marsh, Stephen Warnke, Blance Meslin, Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kelly, Tara Okeefe, Paige Tilley, Suzanne Coldwell, Edit Masaba, Mary Braymer, Chad Alojipan, Judith Bardin, Dan Fronhofer, Beverly Kerr, Barbara Hurley, Lyle & Brian Miller-Dickerson, Meredith Clark, Carol DiMambro, Tim Troy, Doris Callahan,
Kelli Guss, Mr. C J Frankiewicz
2022 Sponsors:
2022 Gold Sponsors ($5,000-$14,999)
New York State Council on the Arts
Kyle & Jared West
2022 Silver Sponsors ($2,000-$4,999)
(anonymous), Anonymous Family Fund
2022 Bronze Sponsors ($500-$1,999)
Claudia Behmoiram, Evelyn Estey, Donald P McPhee
2022 Inner Circle Sponsors ($100-$499)
(anonymous), Liz Skinner, Annette Reitano, Peter Bailey, Caroline Goss, Lyle and Brian Miller-Dickerson, Carolyn Akland, Walter Scott, Dan & Rebecca Evers, Lorraine Thompson, Tara Smith, David Braucher, Bonnie Thomas, Margo and Michael Hatzel, Blake Pfeil, Bob & Donna-Lynn Greene, John Threet, Josh Allen, Steven Westort
2022 Friends of Fort Salem Sponsors ($1-$99)
(anonymous), Maureen Cossey, Susi Thomas, Terri Troyanos, Penny Spiezio, Richard Butler, Hilary Allen, Heather Fallon, Sarah Parker, Ruth Frew, Ed Hughes, Kimerer LaMothe, Edward H Hutchins, Jeffrey Nichols, Kathleen Wilkinson, Stephen Snyder, Ellen Heneghan, Brian White, Patricia Luke, Mari Barboza, Tom Moeller, Michael Maturo, Kevin Dailey, Carl VanNixon, Jonah Berman, Megan Adams, Heather Arneson, Christine Johnson, Amy Collins, Jonathan Denney, Mary JoGreco, Pamela Coluccio, Zachary Eastman, Elizabeth Skinner, Vicki Dodd, Derek Whitener, Katie Buck, John Tomasi, Christina Hoth, Jesse Matteson, Blanche Meslin, John Hubbard, Dan Snyder, Deborah DePasquale, Stephinie Miner, Anne Kennedy, Terese Davis, Noah Spivak, Tina Wilson, Susan Zweighaft, Phoenix Pedroso, Dari Norman, Darlene King, Lionel Bulford, Caroline Ashton, James Conway, Beverly Kerr, Emma Myers, Tina Hayes, Quinn Donaldson, Karen Gallagher, Cynthia Spence, Karin Jennings, Tina Ely, Christine Gerber, Rosemary McHugh, MichaelaTorres
2021 Sponsors:
2021 Gold Sponsors ($5,000-$14,999)
Anonymous Family Fund, Robert & Donna-Lynn Greene, Kyle & Jared West
2021 Silver Sponsors ($2,000-$4,999)
2021 Bronze Sponsors ($500-$1,999)
Logan Coley Broker, Steve Saunders, Lorraine Thompson, Alesa & Alan Wilson
2021 Inner Circle Sponsors ($100-$499)
(anonymous), Terri Bear, Celeste Behrman, Kristen Benevides, Richard Butler, Tom, Caitlain, Vera, Louis, Agnes & Pang Clary, Jessica Cope, William Cormier, Tara Cunningham, Kevin Dailey, Joan Dwyer, Kristin & Zach Eastman, Harry Faddis, Heather Fallon, Chris Foster & Patrick White, Laurie & Frank Fronhofer, Taylor Greene, Caitlin & Preston Isham, Tom & Beverly Kerr, Sue Keyes, Dayle McCarty, Gisele Miller, Jeffrey Nichols & Jeffrey McCain, Rich & Dari Norman, Tessa Orlyk, Sarah Parker, The Pauquette Family, Preble Realty LLC, Cindy Rogers, Karen Sheldon, Liz & Bob Skinner, Penny Spiezio, The Tanakas, Susi Thomas, Kay Tomasi, Cam & Afton West, Carol West, Dave Wever
2021 Friends of Fort Salem Sponsors ($1-$99)
(anonymous), Siri Allison, Hilary Allen, Melinda & Gary Anderson, Riley Arnold, Barrus Family, Michele Bardwell, Heather Bellanca, Jonah & Joan Berman, Claudia Blackler, Marisa Brady, David Braucher, Katie Buck, Carolyn Cannon, Marie & Derek Carlow, Amy Cave, Noelle Chesney, Shirley Chicoine, B.J. Cleveland, Justin Cooper & Garrett Lock, Michelle Crawford, Marco De Biasio, Rebecca Evers, Doug Fowler, The Greggersen’s, The Hains Family, Darrell Holovach, Dean & Becky Hunt, Arleen Kelley, Jon & Deana Ketchum, The LaMothe Gee Family, Treavor LeBlanc, Desiree Luong, Wilson Luong, Katie MacDougall, Leah Mccloskey, Joshua Midgett, Kristen Miner, Shelley Monder, Sara Diane Nolan, John Norine Jr, Lynne Nunnikhoven, Donna Orlyk, Danny Oursbourn, Stacy Parker, Michael Ptacin, Scott Rishell, Iris Rogers, Linda Salzer, Jennie Shaw, Sally Smith, Randy Squires, James Stevens, Michael Taft, Sandy Tarkleson, Serena Villarreal, Garrett West, John West, Steve Westcott, Ann Whalen, Stephanie Willis
2022 Sponsors:
Bob and Donna-Lynn Greene, Kyle & Jared West
Andy Albrecht, Rebekah Amaral, Anonymous, The Astrowsky Family, Roy Baker, Lon Barrera, Cameron Barrus, Katie Buck, Marie & Derek Carlow, Anthony J. Chavez, Noelle Chesney, Dustyn Cole, Ashley Cork, Tara K Cunningham, Cayley Davis, Michelle Duyck, Shelli Engler, Rachel Espericueta, Gabriel Ethridge, Melissa Feldman, Stephanie Felton, Allison Fordham, Jesse Thomas Foster, Doug Fowler, Stacy Gollinger, Michael Scott Gomez & Joe Beauregard, Robert Greene III, Rachelle Hopkins, Sadat Hossain, Tripp & Amy Jackson, Elisa Danielle James, Tim Key & Jed Billings, Kate Larson, Emily McClendon Leekha, Shannon Luce, Sara Shelby-Martin & Tony Martin, Darlene Marks, Schartryce Mason, Doug Miller, Valerie Novakoff, Christian O'Neill Houston, Danny Oursbourn, Melissa Rosenberg, William Ryczek, Randall Shreeve, Alexandra Danielle Sutherland, Susi Thomas, Carolann Valentino, Danny A. Vanegas, Edgar Vidal, Maggie Viets, Andi Watson-Barth, Jessie Wallace, Molly Welch, Adam West, Lindsey Yarborough